Sunday, June 14, 2009

Home Business Boom

In today's troubled economic times, it's of no surprise to me that huge numbers are turning to home based businesses. The days of job security are long since gone, in fact many large corporations that have been around for over 100 years have disappeared entirely or downsized dramatically.

So the old myth of go to school, get a great education, get a job, work hard and you'll be able to retire simply doesn't apply anymore. We've got many losing their homes, their jobs, and not quite sure what to do about it.

I believe troubled economic times are huge opportunity for change. Makes people wake up a bit and realize what they're doing doesn't work or hold true anymore. So many are looking for a better way, a happier life, spending more time with their partner and family, travelling more and just in general enjoying life as we only go round once. The answer for the freedoms of all I've mentioned is having a home based business.

No more answering to someone else, working long hours for little pay, spending hours each week stuck in traffic jams, feeling burned out, underpaid and totally unhappy. They're looking for a better way and many are realizing there are plenty of home based business opportunities out there, but they're nervous, they've never done this before, is this a legitimate business, how much will it cost to get started?

All of these are valid questions and feelings, but if you just stop and think for a moment of what's really involved, all it really is - is your time. Time to check things out and do some research, explore what's available, what appeals to you, what investment is required. Doesn't lock you in at all, but do give yourself permission to at least explore, there are many legit opportunities and the time has never been better.

The next question you need to ask yourself is do you have what it takes to be in business for yourself? Not everyone does, but for those that do - it's limitless. You must be disciplined and have a DMO (Daily Mode of Operation) where you schedule yourself just as you would when you worked for someone else and had to be there at certain times.

You do have the flexibility of arranging your schedule to suit your needs when working from home, but make no mistake - you must treat this home business seriously and give it your all if it's to succeed. There will be enormous learning involved at least initially and this all takes time and must be done if success is expected. You had on the job training when you worked for someone else but you also got paid while you learned.

Making money when in business for yourself doesn't happen overnight and you must be prepared for that and have enough to make it through the learning stages. Once you've mastered what you're doing, you'll then have to learn how to market yourself to make sales and this too is a whole new ballgame also requiring revenue.

The lessons you learn along the way are immeasurable and will be with you a lifetime, so knowledge is always a good thing and please know there's light at the end of the tunnel. It can seem overwhelming at times, but if you've got that burning desire to be your own boss and a strong belief in what you're doing as well as believe you can do it, be persistent, talk to everyone you can and learn all that you can - you will be successful!

I am self employed, in the amazing arena of self development Direct Sales (not any longer as of Nov. '09) - also a home based business. I did a lot of research and when I found this opportunity I knew immediately it was right for me. I love self development and since the release of the movie "The Secret", this field has literally exploded.

I had done a fair bit of work with life coaching already, so was familiar with the concept of Law of Attraction and that what you think about you bring about, so when I saw this opportunity - I knew that it was my calling so to speak, and would be something I would have a passion for probably for the rest of my life. The self exploration involved with self development appeals to me greatly and I can think of no greater feeling than helping others find a better, different way so they can live the lives they say they want.

Is being an entrepreneur for everyone? Definitely not - but for those who make the decision to make this their business, their lives are changed forever. You must have passion for what you do if you're going to be successful at it. Countless highly successful entrepreneurs all agree that you must have passion!

I hope I've opened your mind just a little to the pro's and con's of being your own boss in a home based business scenario. Food for thought for sure! So get out there! Explore! The world is your oyster!

If you're not sure where you're going, you'll probably end up somewhere else.
- Anonymous

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